Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Small Group Presentation Guidelines

For the remainder of the week, you will be working in a small group to create a presentation based on a party that you have planned.  This party should be school appropriate.

There are many parts to this presentation, so please make sure to review the guidelines and rubrics prior to starting the presentation outline and document.
  1. Elect a group leader who will create all of the documents and share them with her/his group members.
  2. Complete the Learning Team Charter, and submit it to Ms. Davis.
  3. Delegate tasks for each group member to complete while in the lab.
  4. Each day in the lab, please complete the objective and reflection surveys so that you can receive points for your work.
  5. Begin working on the outline.
    1. The team leader should access the document first, and then s/he should share the document with me and the rest of her/his team members.
  6. Begin working on the presentation using Google Docs.
    1. The team leader should create a presentation document using Google docs.  S/he should share this document with me and the rest of her/his team members.
  7. If you have any questions throughout this process, you should first consult your group.  After you have consulted with them and still have questions, then please come and speak with Ms. Davis directly.
Everything is due by the end of class on Monday, April 1.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Nonverbal Digital Shorts

Here are some of my favorites from the Digital Short projects!

Appearance by mikesanti991 on GoAnimate

Video Maker - Powered by GoAnimate.

ffffff by themadiman on GoAnimate

Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate.

fat food by kelsey.ham97 on GoAnimate

Animated Presentations - Powered by GoAnimate.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nonverbal Digital Short

Your final assessment for nonverbal communication will be to create a short video looking at one of the following forms:

  • Haptics - touch
  • Oculesics - eye movement (contact)
  • Kinesics - body movement (language)
  • Chronemics - use of time
  • Olfactics - smell
  • Vocalics - use of voice (tone, rate, pitch)
  • Proxemics - use of space
  • Artifacts - objects that communicate messages (clothing, furniture, etc.)
  • Appearance - the way a person looks

Basic Instructions
In a small group (1-3), you will prepare a script for your video.  This short film should be between :30 and 1:00 in length, and it should describe your form of nonverbal communication.  You may approach this as a how to video, an analysis of one of the forms, a mini investigation, or whatever you think is effective.  

Someone from your group will need a YouTube account, which can be the same as your Gmail account.

When you are ready to film the video, you'll need to show your script to me.  You have two days in class to film and edit your work.  If you leave the lab, you will need to sign out and get a pass from me.  You must be where you told me you would be; otherwise, you will lose points and disciplinary action may be taken.  

After you have filmed the video, you'll need to edit the clips.  You can do this with many different resources.

Also, provide a descriptive summary detailing which form of nonverbal communication your video demonstrates.
Once you are ready to submit your video.  You'll need to export it to YouTube.  You must be logged into YouTube on your device.  You can make the video public or private with a link for me to see it.  Then, send me the link.

This project is due by the start of class on Monday.  

Here are some sample videos:
Office Chat by rhs.ocfd on GoAnimate

Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate.