Monday, December 19, 2016

Final Speech: The Commemoration Speech (The Toast)

For your final in Oral Communications, you will give a two to four minute speech about some aspect(s) of this class that you have enjoyed.  You can choose people, projects, or whatever other part of the class that has been fun, interesting, or beneficial to you.

Below are links to documents that will assist you in the creation of this outline and speech.

This is the last of the five required speeches to pass this course.

Commemorative Speech Rubric

Commemorative Speech Outline
  • You can complete this on paper or online; if you do it online; make sure that you share it with me:

Monday, December 12, 2016

Makeup Work

After going through both 6th and 7th hours grades for the first and second quarter, I have linked the documents that the majority of students are missing. If you are missing other documents or assignments like documents or visuals, send me an email once you have those completed. I will regrade as long as you have submitted assignments to me by December 20.

Any speech redos must be done by Wednesday, January 4.

Quarter 1
Types of Communication YouTube Activity
Informative Speech Reflection

Quarter 2
Denzel Washington's Commencement Speech Address
Monroe's Motivated Sequence YouTube Activity (6th Hour only)
Logos, Pathos, Ethos Worksheet (6th Hour only)
Persuasive Speech Pros/Grows
Persuasive Speech Reflection
Pros/Cons/Questions - 6th Hour
Pros/Cons/Questions - 7th Hour

Additionally, if you want to redo an outline or visual from this semester, you will need to send me an email for what you corrected. Email me at or

Friday, December 2, 2016

StuCo: Friday Updates

Today is the last day to complete your bibliography and outline.

  • Do not just use the URL of the website. Go to and format your citations accordingly.
  • Write five detailed sentences for each source.
  • Do not just copy and paste from your bill. There should be explanations, examples, statistics, and WAY more detail in your outline.
  • Include those 3 in-text citations in your outline.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

StuCo: Thursday Updates


Reminders/Reflections after reviewing bills:

  • No personal pronouns in bills; delete all uses of I, you, we, my, our, etc.
  • Do not abbreviate proper names/places or use contractions.
  • Now you can put bill numbers on bill (6th hour only)
  • Review sample bill for: capitalization, tabbing, extra/not enough spaces, section numbering
  • Review rubrics to see how many examples I want in each section; more than likely, you need more detail and more professional language.
    • Whereas (Clause 1): clearly discusses importance of bill
    • Whereas (Clause 2): clearly discusses at least two problems/harms 
    • Whereas (Clause 3): clearly discusses at least one reason why the bill hasn't already passed
    • Whereas (Clause 4): clearly discusses at least two benefits after passing your bill
    • Section I: clearly discusses specifics of bill
    • Section 2: gives specific date for passing bill (administration optional)
    • Section 3: clearly discusses who will enforce the bill (penalties optional)
    • Section 4: clearly discusses how much this will cost and what budget the money will come from (even if you don't think it will cost anything)
  • Bibliography / 3 sources minimum:
    • 10 points - Students select a credible source.  The citation is formatted  appropriately using APA or MLA (easybib).  Students complete the annotation with 5 or more sentences summarizing the source, not copying and pasting from the website.
    • 7.5 points - Students select a source that lacks some credibility.  The citation is formatted; however, there are mistakes with APA or MLA.  Students complete the 4-5 sentences.  Students do not copy straight from the source, but they put the material in their own words.
    • 5 points - Students select a source that lacks credibility.  The citation is not properly formatted using APA or MLA.  Students do not complete the 4-5 summary of the source, and/or they just copy and paste from the source.
  • Outline
    • Do not just copy and paste from bill. The outline should be an explanation.
    • Put three sources into bill using in-text citation format.
      • According to the National Education Association...
      • or "... school is a good thing" (NEA, 2010).
    • Complete each section.
Here is a list of topics by class.

Student Congress Objective 
(to be filled out daily by EACH student)
Student Congress Reflection 
(to be filled out daily by EACH student)

Friday, November 25, 2016

Student Congress (StuCo) Workdays

Watch your persuasive speech and reflect by answering this survey.

After filling out the persuasive speech reflection, you are ready to begin work on your Student Congress project. You have the first day only to change your topic, and it must be approved by me. Here is a list of topics by class.


Student Congress Objective 
(to be filled out daily by EACH student)
Student Congress Reflection 
(to be filled out daily by EACH student)

Continue to work on your BILL and BIBLIOGRAPHY! Only the "techies" in each group will have the StuCo documents in their StuCo folder; everyone else will have the documents in their "Shared with me" Folder on the left side of Google Drive!

Please review the sample bill and the draft worksheet that you prepared in class before Thanksgiving. This will help you with your project.

All of your classmates will receive a copy of your bill to critique it and prepare debates.

The center of your project is your bill. This is due by the end of class on Wednesday if you want any feedback, and the final copy is due at the end of class on Thursday. There is no visual allowed for this project. You will need an annotated bibliography and an outline. These documents will also be in your folder. Do not complete the outline until your bill is complete.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving! (Notes for Sub)

Today, you will be working individually or with your partner on your Student Congress bill. Your sub will pass out your worksheet that you will complete during class and submit at the end of class. 

Charles Kye in 6th hour will need to review all of the topics from his class and choose a bill topic that has not been selected.

Please be respectful of your sub. Any negative notes will decide the fate of your next food day.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Persuasive Speech Guidelines

Monday through Friday (behavior pending) we will be meeting in the library lab to work on our persuasive speeches, which we will begin on Monday, November 7. All outlines and visuals are due Friday, November 4 by the end of the class period.

Reminder: Parent Teacher conferences are this week and next. Please check your grades before Wednesday, November 2 to review your Oral Comm. grades from last quarter and this quarter.

Persuasive Objective to be filled out every day at the beginning of class.
Persuasive Reflection to be filled out every day at the end of class.

You should have a persuasive folder with a persuasive outline and persuasive visual in our folder for class already. Please make sure that you use your time wisely and have everything finished by the end of class.

If you need another copy, here is the Persuasive Outline Template.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Informative Speech Guidelines

Informative Workdays

Tuesday through Monday, we will meet in the library lab for class.  There are several parts to this presentation.  Please review this presentation to review the guidelines.


  • Workdays (10 Points/Day)
    • Every day you should complete the objective in the first five minutes of class.
    • During the last five minutes of every class, you should complete the reflection.
  • Outline (55 Points)
    • Please log into Gmail.
    • Click on the template.
    • File > Make a Copy.
    • Drag this copy into your folder for this class.
    • Fill in the blanks for your speech.
        • 2 outside sources (use Easy Bib for citation help)
      • 2 in-text citations
      • Use full and detailed sentences.
      • Attach a bibliography/work cited.
      • Check out this example.
  • Visual (50 Points) 
    • Do not start until the outline is complete. 
    • Use Google Presentation, and create it in your Oral Comm folder.
    • Follow the rubric for the visual.
      • 4-7 slides
      • 20 words or less per slide
      • Visually appealing
      • More pictures than words
      • Check out this example.

  • Speech (104 Points)
    • 4-6 minutes
    • Follow the outline for your speech.
    • Use the visual to enhance your speech.
    • You may use one note card.
    • Follow the rubric for the speech.
    • Watch this example!
  • Reflection (20 Points)
    • Complete in class after all of the presentations. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Welcome to Oral Comm!

Want to disable those AVG Pop Ups? Follow instructions below or watch this video.

    Image result for avg
  1. Right click the AVG square at the bottom right 
  2. Click Disable AVG Protection.
  3. In the new window, choose Until Restart from the drop down menu.
  4. Click ok.
Hello students!

Welcome to Oral Communications! This is such an important class, but I know it can cause anxiety for some. I'm here to help you become an even better communicator and a more effective presenter.

There are five required speeches throughout the semester. These include introductory, informative, digital, student congress, and commemorative speeches. Each speech requires an outline, and all but one will have a visual to accompany it.

In this class, we do a lot of work in the lab, and all students will have a digital portfolio. Please follow the instructions below to create your own portfolio.

  1. Create a folder (portfolio) to share with me.
    1. Download Google Chrome.
    2. Log into your rps30 account.
    3. Click the 9 boxes at the top right of your gmail screen.
    4. Select Drive.
    5. Click Create/New (left column) > Folder
    6. Name the folder the class hour you are in, your last name, first name, and OC Portfolio.
      1. For example, if I were in first hour and my last name were Smith, mine would read 1.Smith.Oral Comm Portfolio.
    7. Share the folder with me.
      1. Click the person with a plus sign in the top right.
      2. Under Add People, type
      3. Then click Done/Yes.
  2. Create folder for Who Am I? Presentation
    1. Title it 1 - Who Am I
  3. Begin working on Who Am I? Slides (Video instruction)
    1. In the 1 - Who Am I Folder, follow the instructions below.
      1. On the left side of the screen, click Create > Slides
      2. A new window will appear.  You can choose your theme now, or you can change it later.
      3. Change the title of the document to Who Am I
    2. Find 25 images that represent you, copy/paste or insert them into your visual.  This should be aesthetically pleasing. (Google Drive doesn't like for you to paste using the mouse. You have to use keyboard commands. Ctrl + C is copy and Ctrl + V is paste)
  4. Begin working on Who Am I? Outline (Video instruction)
    1. In the 1 - Who Am I Folder, follow the instructions below.
      1. Sign into Gmail, and open the template.
      2. Select File > Make a Copy.
      3. Change the title of the document to Who Am I
      4. Drag the outline into your Who Am I Folder in your Oral Comm folder.
      5. Fill out each section of the outline.
        1. Under introduction, write how you will introduce yourself and list out the five items you will discuss.
        2. Under each item, give some detail about how you will discuss them.  Please write in full sentences.
        3. Under conclusion, find a way to thank you audience for listening.
  5. Make a copy of the rubrics.
    1. Click on this document.
    2. Click FIle > Make a Copy.
    3. Rename it to your class period, last name, first name.
    4. Drag into your Oral Comm Portfolio.