Friday, November 25, 2016

Student Congress (StuCo) Workdays

Watch your persuasive speech and reflect by answering this survey.

After filling out the persuasive speech reflection, you are ready to begin work on your Student Congress project. You have the first day only to change your topic, and it must be approved by me. Here is a list of topics by class.


Student Congress Objective 
(to be filled out daily by EACH student)
Student Congress Reflection 
(to be filled out daily by EACH student)

Continue to work on your BILL and BIBLIOGRAPHY! Only the "techies" in each group will have the StuCo documents in their StuCo folder; everyone else will have the documents in their "Shared with me" Folder on the left side of Google Drive!

Please review the sample bill and the draft worksheet that you prepared in class before Thanksgiving. This will help you with your project.

All of your classmates will receive a copy of your bill to critique it and prepare debates.

The center of your project is your bill. This is due by the end of class on Wednesday if you want any feedback, and the final copy is due at the end of class on Thursday. There is no visual allowed for this project. You will need an annotated bibliography and an outline. These documents will also be in your folder. Do not complete the outline until your bill is complete.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving! (Notes for Sub)

Today, you will be working individually or with your partner on your Student Congress bill. Your sub will pass out your worksheet that you will complete during class and submit at the end of class. 

Charles Kye in 6th hour will need to review all of the topics from his class and choose a bill topic that has not been selected.

Please be respectful of your sub. Any negative notes will decide the fate of your next food day.