Sunday, December 14, 2014

Final Oral Comm Speech: The Toast (Commencement Speech)

For your final in Oral Communications, you will give a two to four minute speech about some aspect(s) of this class that you have enjoyed.  You can choose people, projects, or whatever other part of the class that has been fun, interesting, or beneficial to you.

Below are links to documents that will assist you in the creation of this outline and speech.

This is the last of the five required speeches to pass this course.

Commemorative Speech Rubric

Commemorative Speech Outline
  • Sign into gmail.
  • File > Make a Copy
  • Change the name of the document
    • Your class hour, your last name, and the title of the document
    • 1.Samson.Commemorative Speech Outline
  • Share with or by dropping it into your folder
  • The outline is due at the start of class on Wednesday.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Student Congress (StuCo): Lab Days

Welcome back to the lab! We will be working on this Student Congress progress for the next five days in the lab. This means that everything is due by the end of class on Wednesday, November 19. There are no exceptions on the deadline, which includes days absent. For every day something is late, you will receive 10% off your score.

Each day, please begin class by completing the Daily Objective
Each day, please end class by completing the Daily Reflection

Here is a spreadsheet of StuCo information including topics, IDs, and submitted materials. Here is the bill rubric to show you exactly how I will evaluate your bil.

Designate a "techie" who will go through the document sharing process for each of the bibliography, bill, and outline.

Sharing process:
  1. Make a copy of the document.
  2. Rename it appropriately.
    1. class hour.last names.title
      1. 1.Samson.Bibliography
      2. 1.Samson.Bill
      3. 1.Samson.Outline
  3. Share it with me ( and partner.
  4. Drag the documents into your Oral Comm. folder.

Here is a sample bill with notes. You may use your draft bill from class to assist with your bill.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Small Group Presentation Guidelines

It's Quarter 2, and we are moving on to our third formal speech of the year! This is the small group or team speech. For this project, students will work in small groups of 3-4 to create an event or party fora specific audience. Their goal as a group is to persuade the audience to fund their party!

Here are some guidelines about the presentation:

  • Each student must present an equal portion during the speech.
  • One student from each group will submit an objective at the beginning of class.
  • Each student will fill out a reflection at the end of class.
  • Charters are due at the end of the first day in the lab.
  • Outlines and visuals will be due the day that speeches begin.
  • Students should use Google Drive for this project to collaborate with teammates.
    • Elect a techie to share all of the documents with me and the group members.

This presentation will assess the students' abilities to work as a team, organize information, research, communicate with different audiences, and persuade. This project will take 4 days in the lab for students to create:

Students will evaluate their group members everyday, so it is important to stay on task and complete daily tasks. 

  1. Elect a group leader who will create all of the documents and share them with her/his group members.
  2. Complete the Learning Team Charter, and submit it to Ms. Davis.
  3. Delegate tasks for each group member to complete while in the lab.
  4. Each day in the lab, please complete the objective and reflection surveys so that you can receive points for your work.
  5. Begin working on the outline.
    1. The team leader should access the document first, and then s/he should share the document with me and the rest of her/his team members.
  6. Begin working on the presentation using Google Docs.
    1. The team leader should create a presentation document using Google docs.  S/he should share this document with me and the rest of her/his team members.
  7. If you have any questions throughout this process, you should first consult your group.  After you have consulted with them and still have questions, then please come and speak with Ms. Davis directly.
Everything is due by the start of class on Thursday, October 30.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Informative Workdays

Every day this week, we will meet in the lab for class.  There are several parts to this presentation.  Please review this presentation to review the guidelines.

  • Workdays (10 Points/Day)
    • Every day you should complete the objective in the first five minutes of class.
    • During the last five minutes of every class, you should complete the reflection.
  • Outline (55 Points)
    • Please log into Gmail.
    • Click on the template.
    • File > Make a Copy.
    • Rename to class hour, last name, and informative outline.
      • Example, 4.Smith.Informative Outline
    • Drag this copy into your folder for this class.
    • Fill in the blanks for your speech.
    • Follow the guidelines and rubric for the outline.
      • 2 outside sources (use Easy Bib for citation help)
      • 2 in-text citations
      • Use full and detailed sentences.
      • Attach a bibliography/work cited.
  • Visual (50 Points)
    • Do not start until the outline is complete.
    • Use Google Presentation or Prezi
    • Follow the guidelines and rubric for the visual.
      • 4-7 slides
      • 20 words or less per slide
      • Visually appealing
      • More pictures than words
  • Speech (100 Points)
    • 4-6 minutes
    • Follow the outline for your speech.
    • Use the visual to enhance your speech.
    • You may use one note card.
    • Follow the guidelines and rubric for the speech.
    • Watch this example!
  • Reflection (20 Points)
    • Complete in class after all of the presentations. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Journal Check #1


The time has come for our first journal check this semester. I will evaluated everything in your journal thus far, and your score will be on page 9 of your folders. Below is a copy of the checklist that I will use for Journal Check #1.

Notebook Check #1

___/5    Completed Syllabus
___/15  Completed Objectives (August 18 - September 5)
___/5    Team Building Drawing/notes (p. 2)
___/20   10 Characteristics of Effective/Ineffective Speakers (p. 2)
___/55   Advice for Speakers - Directions and handout (p. 3)
___/20  Who Am I? Reflection - 3 strengths, 3 areas for growth, preparation, who did well and why? (p. 4)
___/30  Oprah’s Speech Reflection (pp. 6-7)
___/30  Ellen’s Speech Reflection - same questions as Oprah (pp. 8-9)
___/20  Organization/neatness
___/200 Total

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Library Lab Workday

Friday is a lab workday, and there are several things for you to accomplish.  You should not be on any game sites.  You may have headphones, as long as you can remain focused.

Please complete the following tasks in the order below:
  1. Download Google Chrome from Launchy.
  2. Create a Gmail account.
    1. If you already have one, please sign into it.
    2. Directions:
      1. Type in to the address bar.
      2. In the top right, click Create An Account.
      3. Fill in the information, and click next step.
      4. If needed, verify your account with a text message sent to your phone.
  3. Link your YouTube account.
    1. Click the 9 boxes at the top right of your gmail screen.
    2. Click on YouTube.
    3. Click sign in at the top right of YouTube.
  4. Bookmark my blog.
    1. Push Control + D while on this webpage.
    2. A new window will appear that says bookmark added.  Click done.
  5. Create a folder (Portfolio) to share with me.
    1. Click Create (Left column) > Folder
    2. Name the folder class period you are in, your last name, and portfolio.
      1. For example, if I were in first hour and my last name were Smith, mine would read 1.Smith.Oral Comm Portfolio
    3. Share the folder with me.
      1. Click the person with a plus sign in the top right.
      2. Under Add People, type
      3. Then click Done.
  6. Begin working on Who Am I? Presentation (Video instruction)
    1. Make sure you are signed into Google.
    2. Click the 9 boxes at the top right of your gmail screen.
    3. Select Drive.
    4. On the left side of the screen, click Create > Presentation
    5. A new window will appear.  You can choose your theme now, or you can change it later.
    6. Change the title of the document to the class period you are in, your last name, and "Who Am I? Visual."
      1. For example, if I were in first hour and my last name were Smith, mine would read 1.Smith.Who Am I? Visual
    7. Share the presentation with me. It should be in the folder and automatically shared, but if not following the directions:
      1. Click the blue Share button in the top right.
      2. Under Add People, type
      3. Then click Done.
    8. Find 25 images that represent you, copy/paste or insert them into your visual.  This should be aesthetically pleasing. (Google Drive doesn't like for you to paste using the mouse. You have to use keyboard commands. Ctrl + C is copy and Ctrl + V is paste)
  7. Begin working on Who Am I? Outline (Video instruction)
    1. Sign into Gmail, and open the template.
    2. Select File > Make a Copy.
    3. Change the title of the document to the class period you are in, your last name, and "Who Am I? Outline."
      1. For example, if I were in first hour and my last name were Smith, mine would read 1.Smith.Who Am I? Outline
    4. Drag the outline into your Oral Comm folder.
    5. Fill out each section of the outline.
      1. Under introduction, write how you will introduce yourself and list out the five items you will discuss.
      2. Under each item, give some detail about how you will discuss them.  Please write in full sentences.
      3. Under conclusion, find a way to thank you audience for listening.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Welcome to Oral Comm!

Parents and guardians,

I'm excited to start the 2014-2015 school year! Oral Communications is one of my favorite classes to teach because the skills are relevant and applicable. Students will deliver five formal speeches throughout the semester, which I will record if you want to watch! Please let me know if you have any questions:

Here is our syllabus.

If you prefer to fill out the parent information sheet online instead of on paper, that is fine by me! Below is a form that you can fill out, and it will go straight to my RPS gmail account.