Sunday, January 22, 2017

Common Assessment

Today, you'll be watching two speeches and assessing the speaker's content and delivery. This is an INDIVIDUAL assessment, so do not work with a partner or small group. The sub has worksheets that you can fill out, or you can fill out the worksheet online (and receive extra credit).

*The white remote turns the projector on. Please turn the projector off after 7th hour.

After watching each video, please take no more than 15 minutes to complete the worksheet.

This is an assessment that all Oral Communications students are doing in the district this year. Answer the questions as best as you can.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Library: Day 2

Welcome back! Thanks for staying focused and working hard yesterday.

Today, we will continue with our visuals and outlines for this class. If you weren't here yesterday, I invited you to our Google classroom; you should have an email from me in your RPS30 account, and you can follow the directions in the post below.

Once you are finished with your Who Am I? Visual, you will choose 5 images that you will discuss in your Who Am I? Speech next week. Write in complete sentences and submit both documents when you are done!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Welcome to Oral Comm!

Welcome to Oral Comm! If you have your signed syllabus or Public Speaking Survey, please submit to me! This semester, we will be working with Google Classroom as we prepare for our speeches!

Once you log into your computers in the library today,
  1. Log into your rps30 account
  2. Go to
  3. Type in the following code for your class:
    1. 6th hour: wg2764
    2. 7th hour: ljs6fz
  4. First, click on each of the documents so that you will have access to them. Then follow the directions below:
    1. Digital Portfolio: On the first slide, change the name and hour. Then, submit in Google Classroom. (This is where I will put your videos and rubrics from class.)
    2. Who Am I? Visual: After submitting the digital portfolio, click on your WAI? Visual. You will place at least 25 (school appropriate) images to paste on ONE slide. You can see my example here.
    3. Who Am I? Outline: After completing the visual, you will start on your outline. You'll choose five images (or groups of images) to talk about. If you do not write in complete sentences, you will not receive full credit.