Monday, April 22, 2013

Student Congress Workdays

Please use the following links everyday that we are in the lab.

Student Congress Links
  • Updated list of Student Congress Groups and Bill Topics.  Use the tabs at the bottom to see your class.
  • Student Congress Bill with Notes.  This shows students how to fill out the bill.
  • Bibliography Template.  Log into Google, Make a Copy (File>Make a Copy).  Retitle the document with your class number, then your team members' last names, and the type of document.  For example, If I were in first hour, I would retitle my bibliography: 1.Davis.Bibliography.  Then, share with me (and your partner(s)).  Remember, you need three sources for this speech.
  • Bill Template.  Log into Google, Make a Copy (File>Make a Copy).  Retitle the document with your class number, then your team members' last names, and the type of document.  For example, If I were in first hour, I would retitle my bill: 1.Davis.Bill. Then, share with me (and your partner(s)).  
  • Authorship Speech Outline.  Log into Google, Make a Copy (File>Make a Copy). Retitle the document with your class number, then your team members' last names, and the type of document.  For example, If I were in first hour, I would retitle my bill outline: 1.Davis.Bill Outline.   Then, share with me (and your partner(s)).  This should be filled out after the bill has been completed.  Divide the outline evenly among group members.
  • There is no visual for this speech.  No visuals are allowed.
  • Rubrics
  • Student examples
Please fill out the objective below at the beginning of each class, and fill out the reflection at the end of each class.  Remember, this is how you will be getting points during this class period.

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