Thursday, January 8, 2015

Who Am I? Presentation & Guidelines

For your first required presentation, you are introducing yourself to the class.  This is called the Who Am I? Presentation.

For this presentation, you will complete an outline and a presentation.  Even though you will have 25 images on your visual, you will only talk about five.

Here is the rubric for both the outline, the visual, and the presentation.  I will print this off for you.

Here is a link to the speech order.

  1. Open Google Chrome, sign into Gmail, and open the template.
  2. Select File > Make a Copy.
  3. Change the title of the document to the class period you are in, your last name, and "Who Am I? Outline."
    1. For example, if I were in first hour and my last name were Smith, mine would read 1.Smith.Who Am I? Outline
  4. Share the outline with me by dragging and dropping the outline into your Oral Comm folder.
  5. Fill out each section of the outline.
    1. Under introduction, write how you will introduce yourself and list out the five items you will discuss.
    2. Under each item, give some detail about how you will discuss them.  Please write in full sentences.
    3. Under conclusion, find a way to thank you audience for listening.

Presentation (Visual)
  1. Here's a YouTube video for how to do this! Here is my example.
  2. Directions:
    1. Open Google Chrome and sign in to Gmail.
    2. Click on "Drive" or "Documents" along the top of the webpage.
    3. On the left, click the red box that says "Create" or "New"
    4. Then click "Presentation" or "Google Slides"
    5. A new window will appear.  You can choose your theme now, or you can change it later.
    6. Change the title of the document to the class period you are in, your last name, and "Who Am I? Visual."
      1. For example, if I were in first hour and my last name were Smith, mine would read 1.Smith.Who Am I? Visual
    7. Share the presentation with me by dragging the presentation into your Oral Comm folder.
    8. Find 25 images that represent you, copy/paste or insert them into your visual.  This should be aesthetically pleasing.
  1. Follow your outline as you deliver the speech, but don't bring your outline with you (only a note card if necessary)!  
  2. Be yourself!
  3. Keep your body facing the audience, not the screen.
  4. Listen to your classmates' speeches with respect.

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